Cyber Security: How to Keep You and the CISI Safe
Refreshed November 2023 | CPD time: 1 Hour
Cybercrime can result in the paralysis of an organisation’s computer system, the theft of information, such as customers’ bank account and credit card details, and the loss of important and essential data. This module explores security concerns and cybercrimes, such as phishing, hacking and denial of service attacks. It provides advice on cyber security and tips to help keep you and the CISI safe.
1. Cybercrime Threats
2. Cyber Security – CISI Specifics
3. Cybercrime Threats – Phishing
4. Cybercrime Threats – Malware and DoS/DDoS Attacks
5. Cybercrime Threats – Impersonating an Organisation
6. Conclusion and Further Hints and Tips
Module Test