Recent member profiles have included an RNLI lifeboat crew member; a DJ and musician; a Coastguard Rescue Officer; a Prior; a first aider; a sailor; an artist and a majorette.
Contact if you have a story you think will interest other CISI members. We'll give you a £25 shopping voucher as a thank you if we publish it.
Recent features
25th anniversary edition, Q2 2017: Tim Hughes, Chartered MCSI, volunteer lifeboat crew

January 2017 edition: Martin Badder ACSI, musician and DJ
October 2016 edition: Chris Welsford, Chartered MCSI, Coastguard Rescue Officer

July 2016 edition: Lindsey Jones, Chartered FCSI, Prior of a Templar Order

March 2016 edition: Anita Brown, Chartered FCSI, first aider

December 2015 edition: Tom Low, Chartered MCSI, sailor

September 2015 edition: Laura Ruiz Bussión, Affiliate member

June 2015 edition: Sarah Roberts-Lello ACSI